Tuesday 27 December 2011

GULAI AYAM JAWA - entri tertangguh

Adoooooooiiiiiiiii... dah terperam lama the recipe. Tak leh nak upload.. Broadband wat hal. I cooked last Friday!! I'ts almost a week!!! Dah abis pun!! Dah jadik "uk-uk" pun!! Tension akak!! 

Back to the recipe. It's in my personal recipe compilation book. I forgot from where I got it... Anyway it's soooo delish!! Sedap hingga menjilat jari kaki.. Wa tell luuuuuu!!!....  TQVM to empunya resipi. Ada rasa cam rendang.. Cer le try..



Ayam seekor. Potong ikut suka.

Bahan kisar:

10 tangkai cili merah
9 tangkai cili padi (nak pedas, sila tambah)
10 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
3 cm halia
1 sudu besar ketumbar biji
3 cm kunyit hidup

450 ml santan pekat
3 helai daun kunyit
3 helai daun limau purut
3 batang serai - dititik
3 cm lengkuas - diketuk
asam gelugur


Tumis minyak. Masukkan serai dan lengkuas. Masukkan bahan kisar. Masak hingga garing. Masukkan ayam. Biarkan kecut. Masukkan santan dan asam gelugur. Masak hingga pekat. Masukkan daun kunyit dan daun limau purut. Perasakan.

Lauk sampingan last Friday......

                    Ikan Pekasam

Taugeh Goreng

Wednesday 21 December 2011

BANANA PUDDING (yeah! yeah! there go my bananas!!!)

Alhamdulillah... there go my banana... Alhamdulillah again, my mood was here early morning. Felt so xcited to update the blog... I love blogwalking to other cooking blogs that have tons of recipes... Waaaaaaaaaa..... as if it won't end.. Keep clicking at older posts.... Salute to alls.. mamafamiche mat gebusskak itakak rima etc.. etc.. etc.... They do updating their blog everyday... How I wish I can be like them... I'm overdose with vit M.. cer teka.. cer teka.. Vitamin apakah itew... Shhhhhhh....

Back to the recipe. Saw the banana pudding in you tube many times.. Looks so yummy.. I kept the recipe from Paula Deen (Paula's Party).. FYI, I like to keep sorts of recipe.. some I print, some I write in my recipe notebook... Just not sure when I'm gonna make them... Heeeeee... Dunno, whether I make them in right way. The custard quite runny. It's more to triffle I supposed. I double checked the recipe & it's right!! I throw my first batch of custard & did again assuming I done it wrong. The result = SAME... Hmmm.. 



1 packet vanilla wafer - I used vanilla cream chocolate wafer

3 Banana or more

3/4 cup sugar (I reduced)
2 tblsp cornstarch
3 cups milk

4 egg yolks
1/2 stick of butter (60gm)
1 tsp vanilla

Mix well sugar, cornstarch & milk. Cook in double boil method or on low heat. Pour hot milk mixture into egg yolks. Just a little first. Whisk!! Add some more. Pour back the egg yolk mixture in milk saucepan. Cook again till thick. Off the heat. Add butter & vanilla.

4 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 cup sugar (I reduced)

Beat egg whites & cream of tartar till foamy. Add sugar little by little till stiff peak.

To Assemble:

  1. Preheat the oven 120'c (broiler/grill setting)
  2. Pour the 1/2 the custard into the dish.
  3. Arrange the wafer on the custard.
  4. Slice the banana & arrange on the wafer.
  5. Pour the rest of the custard.
  6. Dollop the meringue on top to cover the custard.
  7. Bake the meringue for 4 minutes.



1 peket wafer vanilla. Ju guna vanilla cream chocolate wafer.

3 biji pisang atau lebih.

3/4 cawan gula (Ju kurangkan)
2 sudu besar tepung jagung
3 cawan susu

4 kuning telur

60 gm mentega
1 sudu kecil vanilla

Campurkan dan gaul gula, tepung jagung dan susu. kacau rata. masak kaedah double boiler atau masak atas api menggunakan api perlahan. Tuangkan susu panas ke dalam kuning telur. Sedikit dahulu. Kacau! Tuang lagi susu. Masukkan semula campuran kuning telur ke dalam periuk susu tadi. Masak hingga pekat. Tutup api.   Masukkan mentega dan vanila.Kacau hingga mentega cair.

3 biji telur putih 
1/2 sudu kecil cream of tartar
1/4 cawan gula (Ju kurangkan)

Putar putih telur & cream of tartar hingga berbuih. Masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit. Putar sehingga kental.

Cara susunan:

  1. Panaskan oven 120'c (api atas sahaja)
  2. Letak 1/2 dari kastad dalam pinggan atau bekas.
  3. Sususn wafer atas kastad
  4. Hiris pisang dan susun atas wafer.
  5. Letakkan baki kastad.
  6. Sendukkan meringue menutupi kastad.
  7. Bakar selama 4 minit.

Monday 19 December 2011


Errrk... this is hubby's peberet that can't be swollen by me.... true.. I think this dish mostly eaten by southern people. My SIL eat it with glutinous rice a.k.a. pulut... Sorry le... after years pun, tak termasuk dek tekak ni. My fren who's from Kelantan eat the durian with budu. Maybe dah sebati kat tekak depa.

For those yg tak pernah tengok, santan tu masak like pengat. Gaul with durian and rice.


Coconut cream (santan)
Sugar (gula)
Pinch of salt (secubit garam)

Mix all & cook till boil. low heat (campurkan semua dan masak hingga mendidih. Api perlahan.)

Eat with durian and rice... wallah!!!! Me - guulllppp...

Sunday 18 December 2011

My 1st post - Picang @ Banana


This is my 1st post in this blog. Actually i do have another blog which I think is not appropriate to combine the cooking with my jurnal. The blog looks very messy. Hence I created this new blog just for cooking & yg sewaktu dengannya... It looks more organise.. hehehe... For your information, I'm not a great cook.. masak ala ala ajer.. This blog just for my safe keeping. I like to keep all sorts of recipes & the best is, I like sitting in front of the tv & copy recipes (while watching how to fr those chefs)... Then entah kemana... ya adooooo... Mood kekadang susah nak datang.. as per photo below.. When I bought it, I'm thnking of many recipes... but at the end... abiiiissssssssss.... Just upload the photo, to record what it's going to be (bsides tong sampah!!) moga dijauhkan... Tak baik membazir....

Hats off to those working mums who cook for their family 24/7!!!!!